digital pr


Let people talk about your brand: better if they speak well!

We communicate ideas, create identities, tell stories.

Influencer Marketing

We aim at quality, not quantity. We pick opinion leaders in line with the brand’s values. They have to know how to involve the target audience and become credible testimonials.


Online Reputation

Online reputation is essential in creating and spreading the awareness of a brand. 83% of consumers search on the internet before buying a product; their opinion is influenced by users’ reviews, in particular by influencers and opinion leaders. So word-of-mouth marketing is crucial to help brands expand.

Objectives, analysis and strategy

We begin with a deep understanding and analysis of the brand’s presence online. Then, together with the customer, we detect the objectives and plan the digital assets aimed at the positioning..

Why you should choose integrated communication projects

Digital, Press Office, ADV, PR, and Events:

the strength to activate the right tool at the right time

We tell your story

We tell your story

from the early stages


We create

We create

powerful and consistent brand identities


We monitor

We monitor



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